Menschen sind definitiv das größte Kapital eines Unternehmens.
Es macht keinen Unterschied, ob die Produkte, beispielsweise Autos oder Kosmetik sind.
Ein Unternehmen ist nur so gut wie die Menschen, welche es hält.
Mary Kay Ash
(1918-2001, amerikanische Unternehmerin und Gründerin von Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc)
Roland Gropp ProConsultancy, 2009 gegründet, kann durch den Inhaber Roland Gropp auf mehr als 20 Jahre praktische, internationale Erfahrung in der multinationalen Shell-Gruppe in diversen führenden Positionen und mehrere Jahre als selbständiger Unternehmensberater in europäischen, inhabergeführten Mittelstand zurückgreifen, ergänzt durch ein globales Netzwerk an Spezialisten.
Im Rahmen seiner Aufgaben repräsentiert er u.a. Shell Chemicals in der Polybuten-1 Pipe Systems Group sowie bei internationalen Konferenzen als Presenter, wie z.B. MAAK Business Services - The Global Polyester & PET Chain 2005 + 2007.
Die Expertise von Roland Gropp umfasst:
Competitive Positioning
[Shell vs Exxon vs Chevron vs BP vs TOTAL]
Corporate Analysis
[Shell Chemicals SWOT]
Corporate Valuation
[Shell Chemicals Market Value]
Corporate Planning
[Country Business Plan Germany]
Corporate Strategy Development
[Petrochemicals greenfield site Nanhai China]
Szenario Planning
[ROI and Growth at different Oil prices and country/regional risks]
Portfolio Analysis and Management
[Shell Chemicals Product Businesses ROACE and Optimisation]
Corporate Finance
[Capital Budgeting Shell Chemicals Investments]
Mergers & Acquisitions & Divestments
[Divestment Kraton PBU amongst several others]
Carve Out on big sites
[Kraton production site Wesseling]
Due Diligence and Data Room Management
[TeCe Technical Ceramics]
Auction Process
[ARG Pipline Share Acquisition]
SUMF Agreements
[Epoxy Resins PBU]
[Espequimica Portugal]
Post Merger Integration
[Shell/DEA JV]
Disruptive (Game Changing) Innovation
[Surface Protection Film]
Post Investment Review (PIR)
[ICI's Ethoxylation plant purchase at Wilton]
Corporate Governance, Risk & Compliance
[Shell Rohölreserven-Skandal]
Corporate Internal Revision
[Shell Brent Spar]
Business Valuation & Benchmarking
[Naptha-Cracker ISP & OSP]
Business Process Reengineering
[1,3-Propandiole Sales Channel Restructuring]
Product Development
[almost "undestroyable" Polyester fabrics for clothing]
Business Development
[Polytrimehtylene terephthalate]
Operational Excellence
[Godorf Oil/Chemical Interface]
Risk Management
[Polybuten-1 pipe business]
Value Added/Chain Management
[C4-LLDPE new product entry]
Marketing Strategy Development
[Carilon Polyketon Engineering Plastic]
Customer Relationship Management
[Brakefluids Automotive OEMs]
Key Account Management
[Automotive OEMs marketing & sales]
Enterprise Account Management
[Key Global Chemical Customers]
Organisational Development & Restructuring
[Care Care Business before MBO]
Innovation Management
[Easy-open packaging]
Intellectual Property Management
Supply Chain Management & Optimisation
[Raw Materials for Brakefluids]
Lean Manufacturing
[Reinforced thermoplastic Pressure Tanks and GM/Opel]
Global Manufacturing Cluster Optimisation
[SMPO plants]
Human Recources
Global Executive & Specialist Search
Project Management
[Form CO European Merger Task Force]
Interim Management
[TeCe Technical Ceramics]